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Category: Animation,

Career Students Can Opt After Graduating In Animation & Multimedia

Do you have an inclination towards drawing or sketching? Do you have imagination power that takes you miles away? Do you love playing with colors, fonts, and videos in various editing software? – If the answer to all the questions is ‘yes’, then did you ever give a thought about doing your graduation in animation and multimedia?

A B.SC in animation and multimedia may open doors to a number of career options to the students. A degree course in animation and multimedia was long due for the students who wanted to professionally train themselves before starting off with work in the real world.

But now a B.SC in animation is giving them the opportunity to learn the art before becoming the artist.

The animation and multimedia industry is currently going through a boom phase. And the growth is projected to continue at the rate of 25% in the coming years.

With more than 350 animation and approximately more than 100 gaming companies in India, the sector will require talented professionals in the future to meet the manpower requirements.

Animation and multimedia industry generate work from two sources –

  1. Heavy outsourced orders from the USA, Canada, UK, and other western countries.
  2. Growing demands in the home for print, television, advertisement, e-commerce and even digital platform.

Hollywood films have now started outsourcing animation and VFX work heavily from India. Next time when you watch James Bond skydiving from a plane, dragons are flying away in Game of Thrones and visuals of a tiger sharing a boat with a human – Do wonder if those visuals are created by Indians in India.

Similarly, television and film production are heavily depended on VFX and animation technology nowadays.  Even the web and gaming industry have the same stories to tell.

A B.SC in animation and multimedia opens the door to so many avenues to choose from. Graduation in animation and multimedia can lead you to become –

  1. Digital Artist
  2. Graphic Designer
  3. Story Board Artist
  4. Game Designer
  5. Compositor
  6. Web Designer
  7. 2D and 3D animator
  8. Match moving artist
  9. Flash Animation
  10. Matte Painting
  11. Texturing Artist
  12. Character Animation
  13. 3D Modeler
  14. Layout Artist
  15. Image Editor
  16. Digital Ink and Paint Artist
  17. Keyframe Animator
  18. Background Artist
  19. Lighting artist
  20. Rendering artist
  21. Roto artist
  22. Pre-Vis artist

The options are innumerable and the opportunities to explore your capabilities as a creator are enormous with the evolution of technology and ideas in the sector.

A B.SC in animation and multimedia in Kolkata provide you with the latest software, technology, and global trends to train you in your chosen specialization.

Another big advantage is that you may choose to work either as a full time professional or as a freelancer from your home.

No other course will provide you with so many options as a B.SC in animation and multimedia would. Just in case you are interested in any of the career options above, get a graduation degree in animation and multimedia to set your career rolling in the field.

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