Lessons in Leadership
Leadership is the ability to inspire and guide other people. There are few leadership qualities that include experience, skill, responsibility, intelligence, power to organize people. The post-graduation courses in one of the top BBA colleges in Kolkata such as iLEAD introspects the qualities of a leader which include:
Mental Strength
A leader should not only be physically strong but also mentally strong and able to make firm decisions. For instance, Mahatma Gandhi was an active leader who had the desire to serve the nation and acquire freedom for his people. His charisma mesmerized thousands.
One of the vital qualities of a leader is his intelligence and alertness. He should not even trust his closest allies more than required as it can create problem anytime. Anyone who leads his team from the front always needs to be attentive while marching ahead. A political leader should be intelligent enough as the entire nation’s security depends on him
Impartial Approach
A good leader should always be impartial, even if he does not like anybody or any fact, he should not speak his mind as it can destroy the trust of a lot of people. The duty of a good leader is to encourage and raise the standard of his followers and he/she should know how to make people work for him as a single person cannot do all work by himself.
A person who thinks negative can never become a leader. A leader should always be courageous and positive. He should know how to face the trouble and how to get over. Few people remain at the same place where they stood in the beginning, until and unless one gets rid of negativity.
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