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Practices for Better Writing Skills

What is writing?  To me, it is what I do as a hobby, or choose as a career option in the future. I'm more of an informal writer so I have a free way of writing, I write according to what fits best with my thoughts. My first blog post was nothing but free writing, painting my thoughts on the sheet as if it was a canvas.

This is the link to my very first blog post. If you read through my blog you will definitely find some difference or improvement in each piece. If you read through my entire blog you will not really find much of positivity or happiness being reflected, rather I've tried to show how all your emotions apart from happiness and positivity have colours of their own.

Moving on, if you are an aspiring writer there are few basics you need to keep in mind.

Use of minimal words Simple Short and simple sentences.

Slight grammatical errors are normal when you begin, so if someone points out errors or criticizes don't feel bad because that is only going to help you. Remember, writing is an art, and art is never perfect. Be open to criticism.

A friend of mine writes on a similar note as mine but has a very different way of writing. The vocabulary, sentence framing, and way of writing differs.

Read this post, not his first but our styles of writing differs and it is a noticeable difference. Likewise, don't limit yourself to just one way of writing, explore and broaden your horizon. Limiting yourself to one way will hamper your growth as a writer. Limiting might keep you away from what you are actually good at.

A beginner in travel blogging tries to use keywords, make the write up look as attractive with pictures and short video clips. Again, travel blogs have a completely different way of writing since they are informative for your upcoming travel plans.

Here's a link to help you know the best places in Kerala, if you're planning to go any time soon. And, also to give you an idea of how travel blogs differ from other blogs. Visuals are what matter a lot in travel blogs.

More of visuals, detailed but not very lengthy descriptions is what will give your travel blog a thumbs up. Read like a bookworm. Write as if it's the only way to earn your bread. When asked to write some people freak out as if they were asked to wrestle a sumo wrestler. Writing is no tough job if you see it that way. Stringing few words into a sensible sentence doesn't seem like a tough task, does it? All you need to do is prepare drafts, edit ruthlessly, and rewrite it until you get a satisfactory result. The first few drafts always feel like crap, but with every draft it keeps getting better. Editing and rewriting is a very essential part so keep a check on that. Make people read your drafts, absorb the good and bad points, improve on the negative, work on your positives.

writing-tipsThere are other ways of improving too. Devote 10 minutes of your day to free writing, analyse your previous content and compare and make note of the improvements. Segregate when you read blogs. Dissect what you admire, and state or mark reasons why you do admire a particular line, phrase, write up, or paragraph. Find inspiration for yourself and also try to inspire others with your work. Imitate your favorite writers, of course not blindly but try to pick up their signature ways of expressing their thoughts or way of presentation.

The tips to improve go on and on. There is no limit to improvement in art because there is no perfection in it.

Here's the link to the three blogs which were mentioned above:

(P.S. - We've been inactive on our respective blogs for quite some time but we will get back with new writings soon. Till then please Like, share and comment.)

It's time for you to get papers and stationeries ready. Get going and thank us later.

-- Article written by Richa Popat, an iLEADER

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