Category: Data Science,
You must have seen the movie “Captain America – The Winter Soldier”. The plot of this movie has taken Data Science to a completely fictitious level. Further, it also throws light on the scope and importance of “data”. Experts say that in this modern world, we createhuge amount of information in a very short time. Though one cannot say whether Data Science is capable of predicting the end of the world, but, as an industry which has a growth rate of 7% more than all the others, it is certainly the “Next Big Thing”.
Why are we saying so? Well, here are some reasons for the significance of Data Science in today’s world.
The sphere of Data Science is comparatively new to people and so is the experience of Data Scientists. Reports show that around 76% Data Scientists have on-the-job experience of less than 4 years.
Some Data Scientists work as business development analyst while there are others who work as researchers. But these are not the only jobs they can undertake. They have the capability of cross functioning and playing multiple roles. Do you know that there are Data Scientists who also have developer’s and creative’s capacity?
You should not mistakenly consider data lightly or think that all brains can juggle with data. It is very important for a professional to have powerful academic background because it marks the reputation of Data Science in the market. As data science is still an emerging field, in most industries, experienced engineers are enrolling into data science diploma programs before initiating their data science journey. However, a degree in data science will always have more leverage than those as these students and would be data science professionals would be exposed to a much more specialized and practical data science course in Kolkata.
Great responsibilities always come with handsome pay package. Since such top positions are less crowded, the profession catersa good hike of base salary.It is not the top managers only;the new talents also receive considerable raise in their base salary.
Data Science not only enhances business growth but it also intends to make the world a better place. By finding out the meaning of complex meteorological data, changes of weather can be foreseen more accurately. Again, Astronomical Data Science helps to perform comprehensive space investigations in a better way. Most important of all is Environment Data Science Course in Kolkata has empowered sustainable development. There is insufficient Data Scientists in the industry and so, a vast gap is created. Enthusiastic students have a great scope to fill up this huge gap as Data Scientist.
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