Education is the best investment of life and it is also the most important part in the journey of human life. Good education gives a clear understanding about the ways of leading a happy life. In contemporary scenario, education is manifested through two main ways which include- Practical learning and Theoretical education. Education is undoubtedly the portal to a golden future and quality life. Today every individual wants to pursue quality education. If the primary education is good then it gives benefits to the future life. Practical and theoretical formats of education both are required in right proportion to make the cycle of knowledge and learning complete. From analytical point of view, students have to surpass theoretical style of learning and adopt themselves to the practical field of learning. Practical learning methods give good knowledge about subjects and they provide a guarantee of bright future.
The literal meaning of Practical education is gaining knowledge with real life experience. This system of education is mostly followed by the student community. Practical knowledge is perhaps the best way of gaining knowledge. The advantage of practical knowledge lies in the fact that whatever we learn from the practical perspectives is stored in our brain for a long period of time. Practical format of knowledge is thoroughly enjoyed by the people who love to study or are in the process of studying. This consistent reading quality and habit gets fostered through the practical form of education. In practical format of education, people learn the facts in an interesting manner which is the best part of learning endeavor. If somebody enjoys his study, then he never feels bore or nervous from education. Most of the people think that practical format of education is only restricted to job or professional course such as hospitality, business management, media sciences, medicine, engineering and computer applications. This thinking approach is not at all right.
Practical knowledge also fits to other areas of education like science, arts, commerce, social science, humanities and even law and accounting professions. Practically sound students have the greatest chance of getting a concrete job in a reputed company or organization. The scope of practical knowledge is so high that a student going through this format of education can make him flexible in all disciplines of learning without facing any kind of problem. The fundamental principles of a subject also become concrete through practical education which opens diverse career options in front of a student as well as a working professional. Theoretical knowledge on the other hand means learning without adopting the practical way. Those who follow the theoretical mode of learning, they do not realize that they are not shaping the future in a proper way. Today the scenario is such that most of the students study in a theoretical manner. These type of learning method useful for a short period of time and gradually forget maximum things in long term. The biggest disadvantage of theory based education lies in the fact that it is subjective in nature and not objective which makes it far from real world practices.
Theoretical education backed by practical experience is the ideal mode of learning applicable for students as well as working professionals who need knowledge to go high in the ladder of success.
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