July 12, 2023
iLEAD arranged a Fashion Portrait Workshop along with Tamron India on July 12th, 2023. The workshop took place at the New Auditorium of iLEAD and was conducted by one of the faculty members of BMS named Mr. Shubham Paul.
The workshop started at 12 PM and went on till 4 o’clock in the afternoon. The entire workshop was divided into three segments.
The first session was on introducing different lenses by Tamron India to all the attendees. Also, those who attended the workshop received great knowledge on using different lenses for different genres of photography.
The second session of the workshop was about fashion portraits and lighting like dual chrome.
The final session stressed on practical demonstration of fashion portraits by using different lenses by Tamron India.
The presence of enthusiastic students of iLEAD made the workshop to be quite engaging and successful.
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