November 6, 2019
The Academics Club of iLEAD organized the second edition of the literary event Du Coeur on November 6th 2019. The event was held in three parts.
1. Extempore
Students participating in this event spoke on the topics that were given to them on spot. Talha Abu Torab (BBA 3B) bagged the first position in the Extempore round followed by Vikram Chatterjee (BMS 5A) in the second position and Prem Sheth (BBA 1A) in the third position. They had spoken on the topics of "Challenges of urban poor", "Overall problems faced by cities" and "Partly visible communal hatred in cities" respectively.
2. Creative Writing
The creative writing round was again divided into two parts consisting of essay writing and poetry. Sreya Das (BBA 1A) bagged the first prize for essay writing. Soumya Gupta (BMS 1B) and Shweta Kumari (BMS 3B) won the first and second position respectively in the poetry round.
3. Painting
The painting round witnessed some great talents among the students. Sneha Sahu and Abhishek Karmakar from the first year batch of Animation took away the titles of winner and runner up in the painting round
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