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Ms. Sirajum Monira

Assistant Professor & Course Coordinator of Design Department

Faculty @ iLEAD

  • About

  • Teaching Interest

  • Research Papers

  • Achievements

  • Hobbies

­­­­­­­Prof. Sirajum Monira completed her Msc in Fashion Management followed by two years of advanced program in international fashion design, was a faculty of Textile at IFA Fashion Design College. She has worked as a fashion designer with brands like 145east, Goados and a graphic designer at Unity Global, California. She is a designer with a creative mind and expertise designing skills. She is currently doing research on sustainable fashion, a topic she is highly interested in! She is an experienced fashion designer with an expertise of accomplishments in the field. Competent in design conception, jewellery design, textiles, fashion illustration, colour, styling, graphics, and trend forecasting.

  • Sustainable and Ethical Studies
  • Textile and Surface Design
  • Fashion History
  • Design Studio
  • Portfolio Development
  • Professional Practice
  • Computer Graphics – Photoshop, Illustration and Indesign
  • Research Paper on Peace Silk (Cruelty-free Ethical Silk)
  • Exemplary Grit Award,August 2021, Brooklyn Award (Visual Art) 2024, M.F Husain Award (Art Contest) 2024.
  • Textile Art,
  • Sculpture & Product Development

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