March 29, 2015
Talk on "Heritage Management" by Debashish Nayar, Director Centre of Heritage Management
"It shall be the duty of every citizen of India to value and preserve the rich heritage of our composite culture" part 1V A Fundamental duties, Article 45(51A), Constitution of India.
Heritage is a theme that should ideally feature as a common thread across both education and professional practices in India and the world.
Many sectors like Archaeology, Crafts, Museum, Performing Arts, Natural Resources, Tourism, and Urban Development would benefit with professional degrees in the field of Heritage Management.
Organizations like UNESCO, World Bank, The Government of India's, HRIDAY Scheme and Municipal Corporations are dedicated to the cause of fostering our Heritage.
Institute of Leadership and Entrepreneurship Development (iLEAD) Kolkata, joins Ahmedabad University, Centre for Heritage Management to take forward the issue of "Heritage and Conservation" with an emphasis on Management by Mr.Debashish Nayar, Director, Centre for Heritage Management, University of Ahmedabad on Monday, 30th, March, 2015.
Mr. Nayar addressed the issues of the values of Heritage Management Insight, Heritage Study and Skills Development.
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