April 3, 2024
The Corporate Club of iLEAD arranged an effective session on SWOT Analysis on April 3rd, 2024. The session was held at the new Auditorium in iLEAD. Esteemed speaker of the session was Mr. Sajal Mitra. Mr.Mitra is an entrepreneurial coach and mentor, he has worked at Standard Chartered Bank for 13 years as a Chartered Accountant. He has been working as a mentor for the students of CAT and OMET.
The session was on personal SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis is about assessing inner strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The session started with an interesting and highly motivational speech by Mr. Sajal Mitra. He shared his career journey with the attendees and motivated them with his insights towards career and strength. He helped students to realise their weaknesses, and strengths to overcome every hardship in life. He shared effective tips with students that will help them fight their inner battles in the future.
It was truly a productive,fun-filled, and engaging session conducted by Mr. Sajal Mitra. Students were enlightened by his perception of life.
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