May 8, 2023
‘Script to Screen 2.0’ was arranged by the Department of Film & Television from May 8, 2023. The last day of the event was May 13, 2023. Panel discussion and workshop are the two parts of the event.
The event's second season focused on the different traits and aspects of production, post-production, and distribution along with film festivals. The motive behind arranging ‘Script to Screen’ was to make students understand every aspect of crafting films and getting a platform in this era of digitisation.
Dignitaries like Mr. Soumya Mukhopadhyay (Market Researcher, Innovation Consultant, EntrepreneurFilm Maker, New Media Artist & Producer) and Mr. Ankit Bagchi (Film Festival Programmer, Curator & Consultant) were present on the first day of the panel discussion.
The first-panel discussion of the second day (May 9, 2023) was on ‘Crafting Non-Fiction Films’, and the panel consisted of Filmmakers like Ms. Balaka Ghosh (Documentary Film Maker), Pradipta Bhattacharya (Director, Screenplay Writer, Dialogue Writer, Editor) and Sourabh Kanti Dutta (Documentary Film Maker). From the ideation of a documentary to editing the documentary, all the aspects were discussed at the panel discussion.
The second panel of the second day (May 9, 2023) was dedicated to ‘Crafting Fiction Films’. The panel consisted of Mr. Indranil Roychowdhury (Filmmaker), Mr. Debasish Sen Sharma (Film Maker, Thespian & Academician), and Mr. Indrasis Acharya (Film Maker).
The workshops were conducted by freelance sound artist Sayantan Ghosh, who records, and designs for all sorts of platforms. Also, he teaches as a guest faculty.
In the last two workshop sessions, students got to learn about sound editing for a film. They learned how to record and mix sounds for films.
The event witnessed the huge participation of highly enthusiastic and energetic students.
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